Thursday, August 9, 2018

Teens and Drug and Alcohol Use

When it comes to drugs and alcohol, teenagers can be surprisingly susceptible. The temptation to experiment as well as fit in can be all that it takes for a teenager to try drinking or drugs for the first time. All it has to be is around them or they have an avenue to get it and you're already participating in a dangerous game.

Are you a teen or the parent of a teen? Information can be empowering when it comes to these topics, and not in a blind one-approach-to-all way. Here are some reasons why teens may try different substances.

It's around.

Teens see other people their age or older smoking, drinking, or using other substances, and that can be the main catalyst. It's there, people they know are doing it, they may be encouraged to do it, they may see it as normal or a coming of age scenario, or they may even simply have access to it. When substances are present, teens are more likely to do them. It's as simple as that.

A tough home life and wanting to escape.

Some teens have a tough home life and it takes a toll. When your regular life at home is not that good or you're treated poorly, who wouldn't want to escape? Unfortunately, when it comes to abusive or negative home environments, they aren't that easy to get away from. Some teens legally just have to live with their parents and without any other options, they turn to whatever they can to get release.

Self medication.

Medication through drinking or drugs can be common. Teens often don't have positive outlets for what they're going through or what they're feeling. Different substances may medicate them in different ways. Some teens may even use different drugs in different ways to come up, come down, do well on tests, and more.

Not a lot to do.

Teens want to be stimulated and get bored easily. Drugs and drinking give their brains stimulation and a way to socially connect and rebel-- all irresistible to teens.


Substances work and create a real effect, feeding into teen drug use with a vengeance. They also work quickly and deliver on those initial effects in spades. For teens, this can be exciting, especially when they feel bored or in contempt of things like school or what's expected of them. Substances cause certain chemical releases in the brain that can resemble gratification and certainly deliver more than what's around them in terms of a reaction.

A way to process feelings.

Sometimes teens don't have outlets like therapy. Maybe no one is asking them what's going on and is engaged in their lives. Teens often use substances as a way to deal with or even process their feelings. Sometimes feeling all of that while sober can be too much. Find outlets, hobbies, and mentors or even friends that you can talk to if you are feeling alone.

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